San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association

Volunteers Needed at the Design in Wood Exhibition

View the volunteer schedule to see what shift times are available

Sign-up before May 11th and your tickets will be mailed to you. After that, you will have to pick them up at Will Call.

Shop Members will get one Free Shop Slot for each afternoon (4-7pm) or evening (7-10pm) floor shift you work.

What a deal!

Questions: Contact Design in Wood Coordinator Jim Strawn (619) 887-8090 or

We also need people to help with setup at the fair. The dates are Saturday, May 11th and Monday, May 18th, starting at 9:00 AM.  

Tickets are not required for helping with setup. Just drive in the fairgrounds through the Solana gate and park on the west side of the Mission Tower building. Come in the building and look for Jim Strawn or Joe Sobkowiak and they will put you to work.

This is your fair, and Design in Wood is one of the favorite things to see.  This is your image to the world, so let’s make it the best we can.

Sign up on the Volunteer Sign-up DiW 2024 Page

No Experience Necessary - Very Rewarding

Please note the dates below to choose when you can assist with SDFWA's premiere public event.

We can use help from everyone. Sign up to volunteer using the links above, or at an SDFWA General Meeting.

  • During the Fair – which runs from June 12th through July 7th – we need Floor Ambassadors
  • We also need help in the 19th Century Chair Shop building children's chairs for charity

Remember, sign-up for a shift and get two (2) free tickets to the Fair. Sign-up for several shifts and get enough tickets for your family and friends. 
For helping with setup, you get free tickets based on how much time you work, along with refreshments and a hearty lunch.

Call for Setup Volunteers

We also need people to help with setup at the fair. The dates are Saturday, May 11th and Monday, May 20th, starting at 9:00 AM.  

Tickets are not required for helping with setup. Just drive in the fairgrounds through the Solana gate and park on the west side of the Mission Tower building. Come in the building and look for Jim Strawn or Joe Sobkowiak and they will put you to work.

This is your fair, and Design in Wood is one of the favorite things to see.  This is your image to the world, so let’s make it the best we can.

Sign up on the Volunteer Sign-up DiW 2024 Page

EXTRA: Sign-up for closing shifts and double your tickets to four (4) tickets for each closing shift.

The Design in Wood Exhibition is the public face of SDFWA. Let's make it the VERY BEST.

Floor Ambassadors:

Volunteering to work on the gallery floor is an extremely rewarding experience. This is a great chance to represent your association and at the same time provide some very important help with the exhibit.

As a floor ambassador you have the chance to greet the public and provide a special level of protection and security for all the beautiful pieces on exhibit. You will answer questions from the public concerning the exhibit, the display and woodworking in general. This is also a perfect opportunity to introduce the San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association to those patrons who show an interest in woodworking. Tell them about our meetings, the Fall Seminar, our toy program, magazine sales, web site, 19th century cabinet shop, raffle, discounts, video library, etc. Then direct them to the front desk where they can join SDFWA at a special Fair discount.

You won't be alone. You don't need any special training. You will be helping our exhibit staff and they will provide you guidance. When you sign-up for a floor position, you will receive two (2) free passes for each day shift and four (4) free passes for each evening closing shift, one of which you need to enter the fairgrounds for your shift. Sign-up for several shifts and get enough passes for family and friends.

19th Century Chair Shop Volunteers:

Volunteers who sign-up to help in the chair shop always say that they wish they had signed up for more shifts.

Here again you get to meet the public and tell them about our great organization. You will get to use hand tools most people don't even own. You will be instructed by our qualified expert chair shop masters. By signing up to help in the shop you will be making it possible to donate fifty (50) children's chairs to needy children throughout the County of San Diego. You will help make these beautiful chairs by shaping the parts and, at the same time, demonstrate techniques most people in the general public have never seen.

No special knowledge is required. The shop masters will show you how to do each step and soon you will be sharing it with someone else. This is a great woodworking experience. Sign-up and receive two (2) free passes to the Fair for each shift you work.