We have several active Special Interest Groups that meet at the shop.
Anyone is welcome to drop in to see what's going on.

Carving SIG
People come together to share their works and enjoy the company while carving their pieces. New and experienced carvers work together, sharing tips and appreciating the variety of pieces created by the community.
Meetings are every Monday from 6:30 – 8:30pm in the Benchroom.
Everyone welcome!
Digital Tools SIG
A community of woodworkers who use computer-controlled tools. We learn from each other, support our member's projects and become inspired by the work of others.
Our interests cover lasers, CNC, and 3D printers as well as specialty tools like Shaper Origin and vinyl cutter. Meetings are at 10:00 on the last Saturday of the month.
Contact: Pat Duffy (pat.duffy.45@gmail.com); Digital Tools SIG

Hand Tools
New and experienced woodworkers gather to share their knowledge, skills and passion for hand tool work. Learn how to enhance your work by using hand tools to carry on where the machines leave off. All members of SDFWA are welcome and we meet on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm at the shop. (NO MEETINGS in July-August)
Contact: David Weissman dweissman38@gmail.com
Epoxy SIG
The Epoxy Special Interest Group is for those who are interested in incorporating epoxy into their projects. Rob Sandstrom leads discussions and demonstrations about all things related to epoxy.
Members show off some of their latest projects and the group helps each other resolve the challenges that develop when using epoxy.

Toys SIG
One of the on-going Community Services of SDFWA is our toy-making program. The program provides materials with which
our members make hand-crafted wooden toys. Meetings are at 9:00 on the third Tuesday of each month.
Contact: Jim Strawn (jlstrawn@cox.net)
Luthiers SIG
The Luthiers Special Interest Group is for those who are interested in making stringed instruments. Mike Davis leads the group in discussions and demonstrations about all things related to the creating of stringed instruments. The Luthiers meet on most Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the classroom at the shop. Drop by to share your interest or be inspired.
Contact: Mike Davis (davism858@gmail.com)

Holiday Gift Sale Workshop
Socialize while creating beautiful objects to be sold at the Holiday Gift Sale each November. Suitable for a variety of skill levels. You can work on your own project or join a community project that’s underway. Meetings are on Fridays from 8:00 to noon.
Contact: Alan Lewis (alewisca@gmail.com)
Fundamentals SIG
Learn about a variety of fundamental woodworking skills. New topics every month. For both beginners and the more
experienced. Meetings are the last Sunday of each month at 3:00.
Contact: Wes Berneberg (wesly@cox.net)