San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association

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Board of Directors
PresidentGary Anderson
Vice-PresidentRon Lacy
TreasurerPete Sterling
SecretaryOi Ling Kwan
Shop RepresentativeNancy Bosecker
Design in Wood RepresentativeJim Strawn
Member at LargeLou Adzima
Communications DirectorOpen
Community Outreach 
Craftsmans ListOpen
EducationScott Sypkens
LibrarianRichard Schulman
MarketingTeddy Shaw
Member ShopDallas Keck (c)
see Shop Committee list
Membership – SDFWABryan Blackshear
Membership – ShopDara Sariaslani
Mentor ProgramDavid Weissman
MerchandiseMatt Evans
Newsletter EditorDebra Galasso
Shop ToursJean Eichenlaub
Swap MeetDave Barnhart
Toy ProgramJim Strawn
Wants & DisposalsDave Barnhart
Web SiteMike Lewis
For committees with multiple members, (c) indicates the chair and primary contact person.