San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association

By joining the Shop, you will open up a new dimension to your woodworking … one we hope you’ll find richly rewarding and enjoyable.  And we want to do everything we can to help you get the most from your Membership.  We have a process that will quickly get you safely working on your projects.

1. Shop Safety Video

There is a short shop safety video that you need to watch.  You will be signing an affidavit that you watched the video so don't skip it.  Safety Video

2. Read the shop Safety Manual

There's no need to print it out, unless you really want to.  Here's a link to it: Member Shop Reference Manual

 3. Complete the on-line Safety Exam

Take the exam, your answers will be recorded on the exam itself . You should allow an hour or two to complete the test.  

4. Safety Certification

Please don't stress over the Safety Certification.  We don't care if you are proficient at using the machines.  We care a lot that you will be SAFE.

If you want to know what you will be doing in the Safety Certification, here's the link:  Safety Certification

After you have finished the steps above, it's time to spend some time with your sponsor at the shop.  Together you will:

  • fill out the shop liability waiver
  • discuss your safety exam
  • do your Safety Certification
  • learn how to use the Punchpass system to schedule shop time and classes
  • learn your way around the shop
  • get answers to any questions you may have

What's next is up to you.  Sign up for a class, volunteer to build toys for the Shop's Christmas sale, join a special interest group, attend a Eye Opener meeting, become a Shift Supervisor, or start your woodworking project.  Welcome to the Member Shop!