A woodworking community of learning and craftsmanship.

Personal Details

Please use an address that is yours only. It is how we identity you in of our systems. Thanks
… as you would it like on on your badge

Woodworking Interests

Use cntl key to select more than one item

What are your current or next projects?
What tools do you have available at your home shop (Check all that apply) *
What tools are you planning to use at the SDFWA Member Shop? (Check all That Apply)
Occupation (or former occupation if retired)
What are your hobbies? Sharing this information assists us in linking you with other members.
How will you volunteer to help run the shop?
Is there something not listed above that you can do to help the shop?
Shop members are expected to have the ability to operate powerful woodworking tools safely. What formal training (SDFWA classes, Palomar, or other woodworking schools) or hand on experience demonstrates your readiness to use use the tools.