A woodworking community of learning and craftsmanship.



Tool Lead – Paul Duffield



The shop has a number of basic and not so basic tools that are located on the wall next to the bandsaws. We try to keep these tools in good condition by checking them weekly and tuning them up as needed.  These tools are meant to be used and wear and tear come with the territory. 

We also have a locked closet that contains premium quality hand tools that are also kept in premium condition. These tools are available to all members but, as with the band saws and some other tools, we like to know that you are able to use the tool correctly or willing to be taught.

We intend to continue to improve both sets of hand tools as the opportunity arises. For example, we were recently given a donation of used bench and block planes. Some of them have been restored and/or tuned up to good working condition and are listed below. The Record is superior to the modern Stanley #4 that we had and has replaced it. The block planes will be spares and available for some classes.

#4 Record smoother.
#3 Stanley smoother
2 x Stanley Block Planes
1 x Wood River block plane.

The sharpening area is a countertop with a closet that is opposite the “wall of tools”.  The area is still under development and we hope that when the shop reopens we will have significantly upgraded our equipment.  We currently use diamond and ceramic plates for hand sharpening, although we do have some oilstones available. 
For sharpening of lathe tools we have a slow speed dry grinder and for initial shaping of hand tools we have a Tormec sharpening system.
We hope to be holding in person sharpening tuition in the future.  Meanwhile on Saturday May 2 we will be holding a ZOOM SIG at 10.00am with a focus on sharpening.

Maintenence and Repair Log