Check CURRENT CLASS OFFERINGS the first of each month to see new course offerings
Introduction to 3D printing

A 3D printer makes things from plastics. In a woodworking shop, it can be used to solve problems. Need a special bracket? Want a custom pocket hole jig? Can't find the right knob or appliqué? This class is the on-ramp to using our 3D printer to provide solutions to workshop challenges.
In this class, we learn to print standard (STL) objects. We begin by introducing you to our Bambu Carbon X1 3D printer. From there you'll learn its basic operation. Next, you'll be shown how to find printable designs from the huge inventory of free models on Thingiverse.com. Two hours after we start, you'll feel comfortable with these incredibly useful resources.
We give you first-hand experience using the printer in class. Students will be able to take their 3D designs and run them independently through the 3D printer workflow using Bambu Suite software on the Shop 3D printer.
After the class, to earn your 3D Printer Shop certification, students who are also Shop members will receive a free Shop Slot to complete a small independent print project.
Level: Beginner
Prerequisites: Age > 18
Format: 1 session, 3 hours
Cost: $75
Note!! After class, students who are also Shop members will receive a free Shop Slot to quickly put to practice what they have learned.
Add your name to the class interest list.

Introduction to Laser Cutting

Description: A laser cutter is an amazing tool for cutting and etching wood with laser light. SDFWA has two large lasers at the Shop and with just a little training you can add them to your list of woodworking toolkit. Both are beauties with large beds (3’x2’ and 3'x4′), high power (100 and 130 Watts), and even a rotary attachment for etching on cylindrical objects (requires additional training). With these tools you can easily and precisely cut wood up to 1/2″ and etch any wood surface.
In this class you'll learn the process for going from design-to-cutting/etching. Better still, you'll practice the workflow several times and even produce your first custom project. The software you'll use with our lasers is LightBurn. After the class, students who are also Shop members will receive a free Shop Slot to quickly put to practice what they have learned.
Level: Beginner
Prerequisites: Age > 18
Format: 1 session, 4 hours
Cost: $95
Note!! After class, students who are also Shop members will receive a free Shop Slot to quickly put to practice what they have learned.
Add your name to the class interest list.
Introduction to Lightburn

Description: A laser cutter is an amazing tool for cutting and etching wood. SDFWA has two primary lasers in the Shop and Lightburn is the software we teach to operate them. This class picks up where our Intro to Laser leaves off with Lightburn. You'll learn more about Lightburn's design and control features as you navigate the menus, get familiar with the icons, and explore the forms in an interactive forum. Your experienced instructor will guide the discussion and you are encouraged to add your questions into the mix. Getting more out of Lightburn is key to unlocking the potential of our lasers.
Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Age > 18; Introduction to Laser Cutting
Format: 1 session, 4 hours
Cost: $95
Add your name to the class interest list.
Introduction to CNC

Description: This course is designed for individuals with no CNC experience. Using a computer to precisely control a router to cut and engrave wood is at the heart of CNC. The Shop has a Shapeoko XXL and Shapeoko HDM CNC which are capable of milling wood up to 33” x 33” in size. This class will teach you how to competently, confidently and safely use this tool with your woodworking projects.
The key to this class is practice. You will use the CNC from the very first session and by the end you will have completed four projects. To design your projects and to define your cuts you will use Carbide Create on the Shop CNC. Our goal in this course is to build confidence through practice. If you quickly want to know CNC then this is the class for you.
Before the first class, students will be assigned preparatory homework. During class, students must have a laptop loaded with the class software to complete their projects. Shop members will receive a Shop Slot to use for completing their certification project.
This class comes with a Shop Slot for Members to use in completing their certification project. Note: Membership in the Shop is required to use the bundled Shop slot.
Level: Beginner
Prerequisites: Age > 18
Format: 2 session, each 4 hours
Cost: $175
Projects you will make: 4 CNC objects.
Note!! After class, students who are also Shop members will receive a free Shop Slot to quickly put to practice what they have learned.
Add your name to the class interest list.

VCarve Pro for CNC

Description: This course is designed for individuals who have taken CNC Basics or Introduction to CNC and want to learn VCarve Pro..
You will learn to use VCarve Pro CNC software to design three projects and to generate the toolpath code to cut them on a CNC. You will then apply what you've learned by performing one comprehensive cut in class.
To design your projects and to define your cuts you will receive a full license to Vectrics’ VCarve Pro (Windows-only). This license is only for use with the SDFWA Member Shop CNCs. Students must bring their own laptop computer and a USB drive to each class.
When you complete this class you will have a working knowledge of VCarve Pro. You will be able to design CNC projects and generate the toolpath code. Lastly, you will have applied most of what you learned by cutting one project during class. Note: outside of class time, use of the SDFWA CNC is restricted to Shop members only.
Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Introduction to CNC
Class Schedule: Two 4-hour classroom/shop sessions
Cost: $175
Add your name to the class interest list.
Special Instructions for this Class: None
Full refunds for cancelations more than 14 days in advance or if class is cancelled; 50% refunds for cancelations more than 7 days in advance; No refunds for cancelations less than 7 days in advance or for failure to appear.
Shaper Origin

Description: Our hand-held CNC and its accompanying workholding accessory together are called the Shaper Origin and Workstation. It's a precision computer-controlled router that is exceptional for 2.5D CNC, compelling joinery, and precision hardware cut outs. Using your designs or those from the ShaperHub you can CNC just about anywhere there's a power outlet.
In this class we introduce the safe use of this marvelous tool. This is a hands-on course in which you'll learn the Origin's basic workflow, design precise shapes to produce a mortise and tenon, and perform all the Origin's basic cuts. The class will result in certification to use the tool as a Shop member.
Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Age > 18;
Format: 1 session, 4 hours
Cost: $95
Add your name to the class interest list.
Introduction to Rotary Engraving

Description: With our introductory class you learn to use the laser on flat stock; in this class you learn to engrave on cylindrical stock. Using our rotary attachment you'll be able to etch on glasses, bats, mugs, and more. This class certifies you to safely use this new laser accessory.
Building on your prior laser knowledge you'll learn how to: 1) set up the laser for rotary etching, 2) safely mount the rotary accessory on the machine bed, 3) align the device to the X-axis, 4) properly mount your stock, 5) safely focus the laser, 6) prepare your design in Lightburn 7) execute the job and 8) correctly reset the laser for flat stock. The fundamentals of laser etching don't change but to correctly use our rotary and to get good results requires special training.
Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Age > 18; Laser Re-Certified
Format: 1 session, 1.5 hours
Cost: $60
Add your name to the class interest list.
Dye Sublimation into Wood

Level: Beginner
Prerequisites: Age > 18;
Format: 1 session, 2 hours
Cost: $75
Add your name to the class interest list.

Classes not currently taught but with interest lists.
We invite you to add your name to one of our wait-interest lists.
These classes will be offered once sufficient interest is generated and an instructor is secured.
Laser Cutting Refresher
Class Description: You took Intro to Laser Cutting and can't remember what you learned. Refresh your knowledge and your confidence by taking this quick refresher class.
Cost: $20
Membership Requirements: SDFWA
Prerequisites: Intro to Laser Cutter
Class Schedule: One 1/2-hour session
CNC Refresher

Class Description: You took Intro to CNC and can't remember what you learned. Refresh your knowledge and your confidence by taking this quick refresher class.
Level: Beginner
Prerequisites: Age > 18; Introduction to CNC
Format: 1 session, 4 hours
Cost: $75 and $35 SDFWA Membership