San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association

A woodworking community of learning and craftmanship.


We strive to inspire and enable people in San Diego to pursue their passion in woodworking.

Unleash your inner woodworker! Come explore, learn, build, and connect. Everyone welcome!

It's easy to get started!

Try it

Intro classes… Make a cutting board and a stepping stool in the first class!

Learn the skills to safely use the equipment in our workshop so you can join The Shop and make your own pieces.

A group of students proudly displaying cutting boards

Want to know more?


New to SDFWA?  Stop by.

Eye Openers...  Snag a coffee and donut at our monthly meeting and say hi.  Everyone is welcome.  

HGS Friday Workshop…  Pop by as we craft items for our November Holiday Gift Sale.  Oh, and donuts.

Tour The Shop…  Supervisors are happy to answer questions and show you around our workshop during open hours.  No donuts, we're busy making.

Discover woodworking, meet fellow enthusiasts!

Join the SDFWA

Membership… Join us, it's the key to all our events (except The Shop).  Learn to make your dream project and connect with our community through classes, free events, engaging talks, Special Interest Groups and more.

Classes…   Go beyond intro, learn turning and hand tools, build Shaker boxes, stringed instruments… 

SIGs…   Connect with other woodworkers as we dive deep into topics like carving or CNCs.  Bring your pieces, we'd love to see them! 

Volunteer……  As a non-profit organization, we rely on volunteers for everything, we have roles for all kinds of skills.

Make your dream project in our 5,000 sq ft shop


The Shop…  Make  your own!  Our workshop is stocked with virtually any tool needed.

Become a Shop member and make your pieces during open hours. Our Shift Supervisors are always on duty keeping us safe, helping with equipment, and happily answering questions.

We love to make
and share the things we make


Design in Wood exhibit…  We showcase works from master woodworkers around the world at the Del Mar Fair. Gallery

Holiday Gift Sale…   Our annual sale of works donated by our woodworkers. Gallery

Giving back: toys, chairs, and community projects…

Design in Wood at San Diego County Fair

April 30, by 8pm: Entry deadline
May 20: Works must be received

Entry information

If this is your first time entering through the SDFWA, then your project will  compete only with other first time entries from SDFWA Members.

Fair dates:  Wednesday, June 11, 2025 – Sunday, July 6, 2025 (closed Mondays and Tuesdays)


Find open classes and register on ProClass.  

Class catalog here.

Members welcome!

Eye Opener:
Maloof Foundation

Saturday, March 29
8:00 AM Doors open, social time
9:00 AM Presentations
10:30 AM Digital SIG

We are excited to welcome a member of the Maloof Foundation for Arts and Crafts to our March Eye Opener.

The Maloof Foundation is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to perpetuate excellence in craftsmanship, encourage artists, and make available to the public the treasure house the Maloofs lovingly created.

Sam Maloof, an exceptional craftsman, is best known for his chairs and has left a legacy of artistic expression and excellence.

Please join us at the March Eye Opener to learn more.

5360 Eastgate Mall, Suite E
San Diego, CA 92121

Members welcome!

Special Interest Groups

Dive deep into topics and connect with other woodworkers.  Bring your pieces to share, we'd love to see them!

Members welcome!
More info,  Confirm time

6:30pm every Monday, Benchroom

Digital Tools
10am last Saturday, Classroom

Hand Tools
7pm first Thursday, Benchroom

9am third Saturday, Classroom

7pm every Wednesday, Classroom

3pm last Sunday, Benchroom

The Shop

Everyone is welcome to tour the shop during our open hours.

Shop members can build their own works during open hours.

Shop members, come Tuesday to help with maintenance, great way to learn about the tools.  9am – 3pm

Open hours, safety, tools and membership info here.  Schedule a shop slot in ProClass.

Shop members welcome!

Friday HGS Workshop

Fridays 8am-12pm, The Shop

We get together every Friday and make things for our Holiday Gift Sale in November.   Meet other woodworkers, check out the amazing pieces donated, and make some yourself. 

Shop members welcome!


We've made and donated over 40,000 toys to the local community. Learn more here. 

Come join us! 9am third Tuesday of each month,  Details here.

Shop members welcome!

Suggestion Box

Got an idea on how to make things better?  Let us know.

Email Gary Anderson, President SDFWA


Help us support woodworking for the San Diego community!  As a nonprofit, our success depends on volunteers, we have a place for all skills, join us!  

Here are the open positions.    

Got Pics?

Upload pics of SDFWA events with our Image Uploader.